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Theinspection and testing industry involves product quality control, environmentalmonitoring, food safety and engineering construction, and many other importantfields related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Withthe development of China’s economy, construction, food, environmentalprotection, motor vehicles and other fields have developed rapidly, and thedemand for inspection and testing has expanded. China’s inspection and testingindustry has developed rapidly and the scale of the industry has continued toexpand. Although traditional fields such as construction, motor vehicles, Food,etc. still account for a large proportion, but the scale of testing in emergingfields such as electronics, software, medicine and other fields has rapidlyexpanded and the proportion has continued to increase.
Theinspection and testing industry continues to expand
As a new service industry spawned by social development, the inspection andtesting industry is based on the continuous improvement of the society’srequirements for the quality of products used, the level of living health, thesafety of production and life, and the environmental protection of the society. Theinspection and testing industry has emerged and developed rapidly.With the development of China’s social economy, the overall scale of thechemical, machinery, food, textile and other industries has expanded, and theproduction capacity and output have been rapidly expanded. With the increase inproduct quality requirements in China, the demand for inspection and testing invarious industries has expanded, which has driven the expansion of theinspection, inspection and testing market in China. According to data fromthe State Administration for Market Regulation, in 2018, the number ofinspection and testing industry institutions in my country reached 39,472, anda total of 428 million inspection and testing reports were issued, an increaseof 13.83% from 2017. The industry achieved operating income of 281.05 billionyuan, an increase of 18.21% year-on-year.
Theindustry scale will exceed 540 billion yuan
The new normal of economic development has brought new opportunities to the inspectionand testing service industry. The transformation of my country's economicdevelopment model and the urgent need to resolve the structural contradictionson the supply side make innovative development particularly important. Withthe help of inspection and detection methods, it can promote the concentrationand radiation of innovative elements, bring technological spillover effects toindustrial development, and enhance innovation driving capabilities, so as toprovide necessary technical support and scientific institutional arrangementsfor proactively adapting and leading the new normal. The inspection andtesting service industry meets the needs of the background of this era, and canprovide testing services at the R&D stage for many enterprises that needtransformation and upgrading, and help enterprises to transform and upgrade.
The “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Certification,Accreditation, Inspection and Testing” issued by the state clearly stated thatthe total operating income of the inspection, testing and certification serviceindustry is expected to maintain a growth rate of 9.2% and reach 300 billionyuan by the end of the “13th Five-Year Plan”. Higher than the growthrate of gross domestic product (GDP) over the same period. Accordingto the foresight, the scale of my country's inspection and testing industrywill steadily increase in the next few years, and will exceed 540 billion yuanby 2024.
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